Friday, June 21, 2013

Added Challenge

I have been challenged with eating four servings of vegetables a day.  You know when I agreed to it I didn't realize how full one actual serving of vegetables can fill a person up.  I also hadn't realized that I wind up consuming less carbs and calories, but that they are more balanced as well. 

With this challenge I have started researching each vegetable I choose and what benefit it can have on a persons body.  I must say I can't see anything wrong with them as long as you also abide by the recommended servings.  To much of a good thing can still be a bad thing despite its health benefits.  One step closer to a life change and healthier lifestyle and me.  Enjoying the journey.

Todays Goal!!!

I could very easily make my goal of the day something along the same lines as yesterdays, but I think I am going to take it in a different direction today.  With that being said, today's goal is to keep my servings to the recommended servings given.  This is something different for me because I typically just eyeball it.  The purpose of this goal is to give myself a better visual  of what the actual serving portions looks like.  So yes I will be pulling out the measuring cups today for that very purpose.  I'm not foreseeing this being something easy for me since it means I have to physically remember to take the extra step.  I'll let everyone know tonight how it goes.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Daily Goal 1

I met my goal and surpassed it by 4000 steps.  One more day closer to a healthier me.  Tomorrow there will be another goal to tackle.  I haven't decided yet what that goal will be, but tomorrow will tell.

Finding What Works For You!!!

You know I have been doing an awful lot of reading up on weight loss, activity, food intake, and the list goes on.  What I am realizing is that everyone has their opinion about what works.  It all boils down to what is it that works for you.  We all have different things that motivate us to go down this path and to take this journey which also means that we each have different things or programs that work in our favor.  Take myself for example I am one that has to start full force and just cut out all of those things that are detrimental to my health and weight.  I can't ease into or I won't keep up with it.  On the other hand you have those people that need to ease into the changes, need the constant encouragement.  Some have to count every calorie, read every items label, weigh their food out, while others can just cut certain items out and lose.  God made each and everyone of us differently and thus it stands to reason that just because something works for one person doesn't mean its going to work for another.

I am still honing what works for me and in some cases taking a little bit from a whole number of sources.  What I do know is that once I find it I am going to stick with it.  This is a long road I've chosen to go down, but I got myself into this position and by the grace of God I'll make it to the end of this road with a new, healthier me.

Experience of Trying Something New

Something different for lunch.  Someone suggested I add greens to my lunch so I used the spinach leaves I had in my fridge.  I must say they added volume to my meal without all the unnecessary calories or carbs I would have taken in if I had gone with my usual piece of bread instead.  No hunger pangs for this women and it was very good so I don't feel cheated at all.

Beginning Measurements

I am not proud of these numbers, but they are what they are at this time.

Waiste - 59.5 inches

Arms - 18 inches

So I'm interested to see these go down as time goes by.  I've never tracked these numbers in the past so in the past I have never known what the big picture of my health was.

My BMI is 53.3 and according to an obesity BMI table I am not just overweight, but obese.  This isn't where I want to be so once again even more proof that I need this lifestyle change.

Daily Goal

It has dawned on me that one way to keep myself accountable on this journey is to make myself a daily goal.  Today's goal for myself is to walk 3,000 steps.  I set that goal because I know that because my niece and nephews aren't here today that it may turn out harder to keep active.  Yesterday I walked over 7,000 steps, but they were here to keep me moving.  I'm being realistic here.  So here we go off to meet my goal.

Beginning my Journey to a Healthier Me!!!

Starting four days ago I decided to begin this journey to a healthier me.  I don't remember it being this difficult to stay strong and not give into the temptations.  The first step was to decide what to subtract from my current diet.  Pop was an obvious item and proved to be a easy decision.  The hard part was on the second day I found that I wanted one.  Not because I really wanted one, but because I knew I couldn't have one.  Then yesterday one of my sisters bought me one and I was able to turn it down.  I'll take these little victories.

I must say that I have already begun to see a difference in the scales.  I know that they say don't check the scale daily, but I'm finding that I need to for this first week.  I think eventually a week will be sufficient, but not here at the very beginning.  I began this at my heaviest and I must say I don't like being at 279 lbs.  Everyone knows that this is definitely obese.  Something has to change and for the long term.  I've already lost 5 lbs and that will eventually move down to one pound, possibly two a week, but for now I know its a rapid loss.

My hope is that by recording my progress and pitfalls this way I can stay on track and begin to see a healthier me in the coming months.

 My first weight loss goal is to lose 20 lbs and I am off to reach that goal.