Thursday, June 20, 2013

Beginning my Journey to a Healthier Me!!!

Starting four days ago I decided to begin this journey to a healthier me.  I don't remember it being this difficult to stay strong and not give into the temptations.  The first step was to decide what to subtract from my current diet.  Pop was an obvious item and proved to be a easy decision.  The hard part was on the second day I found that I wanted one.  Not because I really wanted one, but because I knew I couldn't have one.  Then yesterday one of my sisters bought me one and I was able to turn it down.  I'll take these little victories.

I must say that I have already begun to see a difference in the scales.  I know that they say don't check the scale daily, but I'm finding that I need to for this first week.  I think eventually a week will be sufficient, but not here at the very beginning.  I began this at my heaviest and I must say I don't like being at 279 lbs.  Everyone knows that this is definitely obese.  Something has to change and for the long term.  I've already lost 5 lbs and that will eventually move down to one pound, possibly two a week, but for now I know its a rapid loss.

My hope is that by recording my progress and pitfalls this way I can stay on track and begin to see a healthier me in the coming months.

 My first weight loss goal is to lose 20 lbs and I am off to reach that goal.

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